Mafia explained to tourists

Riferimento: 9788894984255

Editore: Di Girolamo
Autore: Cavadi Augusto
Collana: DG Pocket
Pagine: 64 p., Libro
EAN: 9788894984255
6,90 €
Disp. in 15+ gg lavorativi


Those who decide to visit Sicily will ask themselves - out of simple curiosity or maybe fear - some questions about mafia. What is it? How does it operate? What kind of damage does it cause? This small volume answers the most common of these questions: with intellectual honesty, without hiding the ugly things of mafia (a stain that disgraces a beautiful island), but also wiping away the groundless fears of those who think they are more in danger when they walk along Sicilian roads than along the roads in the rest of the world.