New Pathways to Japanese

Riferimento: 9791221806298

Editore: Aracne (Genzano di Roma)
Autore: Tokimoto Miho
Collana: Collana di studi giapponesi
Pagine: 180 p., Libro in brossura
EAN: 9791221806298
18,00 €
Non disponibile


The textbook New Pathways to Japanese, a translation of Nuovi Sentieri per la Lingua Giapponese, is designed for students at N2 level. It is based on innovative methodological principles, which encourage students to participate more actively in the language learning process. The book consists of 10 units and is organised by topic. Each unit addresses a contemporary issue and includes two texts at different levels, questions, vocabulary, grammar notes, and example sentences to enhance comprehension with activity suggestions that stimulate oral and written production. The material included in this book therefore provides learners with the tools that are necessary to attain a sufficient command of language in order to deal with social issues, to express their own ideas on a wide range of subjects and their views as citizens.